So check it, I am trying to make an ejection system for the walker (1st seat) by pressing one of the number keys on the top of the keyboard, NOT the F keys. I successfully assigned the number 8 to jump jets. Here's the code:
ObjectTemplate.create ForceObject thruster_liftheavy ObjectTemplate.setNetworkableInfo BasicInfo ObjectTemplate.createdInEditor 1 ObjectTemplate.floaterMod 0 ObjectTemplate.hasMobilePhysics 0 ObjectTemplate.input c_PIWeaponSelect8 ObjectTemplate.force 100 ObjectTemplate.maxForceOnObject 100
That code DOES work. That lifts my heavy walker but only if I rapidly press it, which is annoying. Is there any way to have it set so I can hold it down?
That's the first part. Next, I have added pod_launcher_cq to the walker and it will work with Fire/Alt Fire but I am trying to code it so that when I press the number 5 on the keyboard it should eject the player from the walker. This however, is not working. Here is the code with the different variations I've tried:
ObjectTemplate.activeSafe GenericFireArm pod_launcher_cq ObjectTemplate.modifiedByUser "psh" ObjectTemplate.saveInSeparateFile 1 ObjectTemplate.createdInEditor 1 rem ---BeginComp:ThrownFireComp --- ObjectTemplate.createComponent ThrownFireComp rem PIAltFire rem c_PIWeaponSelect5 ObjectTemplate.input c_PIWeaponSelect5 1 0/0/1.5 30 rem ---EndComp ---
Neither "input" i use for making it launch will work. I want to have it launch the player either immediately upon pressing the number 5 OR press 5 and fire/alt fire. Somehow last light I got it set up accidently so that when you pressed the number 3 on your keyboard then right clicked it ejected you. But if you pressed the number 1, it would bring up a gray box and both the fire and alt fire worked regularily on the walker.
I want to make use of all the weapon select buttons. How can I make this work?