I think the punish should be a large increase in spawn time more than a reduction in score. Forgotten Hope makes the ptk spawn time 60 seconds. I think this is a bit much for a game as fast paced (and buggy!) as BF2.
Second, I disagree with some of the comments about when the commander should be firing artillery. IMO, it is the job of the commander to enable his squads to accomplish the objectives he puts before them. All too often I see some commander rain down artillery on 5 or 6 man squad because he saw a few blips when he hit scan. Artillery is for supporting the squads, not supplant them. If you're worried that you might hit a nearby squad or that they might run into the area you want to shell, COMMUNICATE. If I get team killed by my own commander odds are you're gonna get punished. Do accidents happen? Of course. For those times, I forgive. Hell, I usually forgive by default unless I see that they did it deliberately.