Battlefield Modding Tutorials BFMODS

Battlefield Modding Tutorials
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:21 pm 

Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:16 pm
Posts: 3
Location: East Bay, CA
How do I take the F-4 Phantom II from EOD and lets say place it in a DC Final map?

-= Seabee =-

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 1:43 pm 
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Joined: Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:56 pm
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I think you should definitely find some information if you search this board...

Basically there are two ways:
"The clean one":
- Copy the folder objects\vehicels\air\f4usaf (or whatever version of the F4 you wanna use since there are multiple in EOD) from eod's objects.rfa and place it into the objects folder of your map.rfa. Then add a "run" command for each .con file in that folder into the map's conquest.con (in case you want to use in in CQ).
- Make sure that all projectiles, materials, effects etc. used by the F4 exist in DCF. If they don't, easiest way would be to change them to something from DCF. Otherwise you'll have to copy those things from eod's objects.rfa / game.rfa as well. (This would be a bit tricky, I'm not even sure if you can define materials in a CSM map.)

"The dirty one":
- Make your DCF mod load the EOD objects.rfa. AFAIK this has to be defined in game.rfa of DCF, not sure where exactly. This would be only one line of code, which sounds good at first, but it could lead to some unpredictable behaviour in case there are duplicate entries in the objects.rfas of DCF and EOD.

Anyway, this will definitely be a CSM, which means everyone needs the modded .rfa file to play this map, be it the map.rfa or the game.rfa.

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