EA Games never finished implementing this code, so therefore it is unstable. As neat as this code might be, it cannot be used if you want to play the game to last for more then a few minutes without it crashing.
If to many projectiles are stickied to a single vehicle, the game may crash when the vehicle moves around.
When a vehicle dies that still has a stickied projectile on it, the game will crash when that vehicle's wreck (if it has one)disappears. If the vehicle doesn't have a wreck lod, then the game will crash as soon as the vehicle dies.
EA didn't tell the game what to do with the projectile if the object that it's stuck to disappears. For example, the stickied projectile will remain on vehicle after it dies as long as it has a wreck. The game wont actually crash untill the wreck dissappears, since the engine still considers the wreck the same object that created it (same lod object, just a different mesh loaded)
So if you REALLY want to use this code, you MUST set all the timetoliveafterdeath settings for all the vehicles in your map, so that they stay on the map forever after death. But the game might still crash when the round restarts since I'm not sure if stickied projectiles disappear when the game restarts the round, so there's a chance it will still crash.
Also if a client is on a server that uses sticky projectiles. The server will crash instead of the client if the above situations occur. The clients won't crash, but will be disconnected from the server, since the server crashed.
Also if you use the sticky setting on landmines, it increases their effectiveness. Normally if there is a landmine on a tank, the player can escape it, by very slowly driving away from it. However is a landmine is stuck the vehicle via the sticky setting ANY movement at all will set off the landmine which would make it impossible to move the vehicle without dieing. The game won't crash if it was the stickied projectile that killed the vehicle since the sticked projectile is no longer there after detonation.
Also, if you noticed, when you throw a expack/landmine that has the sticky setting, the projectile sorta wants to stick to the soldier instead, but escapes somehow, so it actually propels the soldier a little bit in the direction it is being thrown since the sticky effect will grab the soldier with the projectile for a short period. Weird little bug isn't it?
Its too bad they never finished this. I think BF2 has this, so it looks like EA Games thought about it for BF1942, but decided for whatever reason to not finish it and delayed this feature for BF2.
_________________ I have cameras in your head!