You'll know the code for how to see where they aim?
If not scream and I'll post it. Don't have it here at moment.
Bots aim and where the bullits hit are the same, no random effect on aim at all as it is for humans.
So, if your shot by a machingun from far distance and bot aim for your arm and hit it with 3-6 rounds in a row on same spot, this feels like a headshot.
You have probebly seen bots with heavy machinguns standing up and hit a wall on exact same spot for 3 seconds.
If you don't move much, bots aim will go to where it hurts most before he squees the trigger. Headshot.
I will bring some code later on here that change the bots behavior in aim, hope someone can help fill list with some more code.
I hope BF1942 and BFV uses same code.
Most of it should be.
Became a bit scared when I heard that someone was fighting 61 DC bots with 3 pinger and won. Our server runs 50/50 and it's hard to win on some maps even if yor 3-5 pinger and have 50% bots on your team. You can slowly bleed them out, but not take last flag. Suddenly they have all flags.