Well, a ton of stuff can be done through python but that's another story. In addition, I've done so much in 2142 that it boggles the mind, but that's not what I care about. What I care about is adding vehicles to maps that are not present. So I had an idea, something that I've never seen before. This thread:
viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1566&hilit=adding+vehiclesIf you do a page search for run /objects/vehicles/ in the list before the actual list of objects, it shows the vehicles for that map. Now only a few maps that I've run into have this massive run list in 2142 and of those, I've only looked in one map for the run /objects/vehicles/ line and found none. Basically, my theory is, if that list lists all the objects and vehicles used in that map, can I add to that list? That's my first step.
Actually...before reading that list, I just saw this:
if v_arg1 == BF2Editor
Which means only run that list if the program opening up that file is the editor...so this may not even work in 2142. But if we assume it may have some sort of a chance, then perhaps if I add vehicles to that list, maybe I can add vehicles to the map? Hmmm... I have tried adding vehicles back in the day but have failed each time. If any person has been able to find a way, I must know so that my SSM can be EPIC! ROAR BTW, is that thread mentioned in the first post still active? I don't want to register and find out it was a bust.