hmm...battlefield 1942 does not want to work with me
I have added a vehicle called 'Beoing' and I have the model files, in the StandardMesh.RFA for my mod, and the object files in the Objects.RFA and when I change a spawner t Beoing in my map...instead of the vehicle spawning...nothing spawns at vehicle picture on the screen eather, also its a plane, based on the why won't it work?
I have and, translated from a 3DS file using the tool with the BF mod tools, so does anyone know why it won't work? also, any changes i do in Objects.rfa dont like me, but when I change things using active in the map it works(and i DO have the game.setmapID set aswell lol)
so, as I said before, BF1942 doesn't want to work with me..
I must be doing it right, cause I done a mod with humvees from DC once, by copying files, and that worked...this all used to work, but it hates me now xD